Here I go…again, new stamp store

Marking the day for posterity, today I have opened a new stamp store, once again!

On the 21st May 2009 I launched my first ever stamp sets – two little gingerbread sets, that I still love! Here’s what it looked like – back on my old blog – someday I will recover the password…

Here they were – Oven Fresh and Gingerbread Joy, I loved them so much, they represented a lot of things to me, community, creativity, independence and the gift of being able to work from home. Nearly a decade later I had to step away for a bit, but here’s hoping my new stamp store can get some of those good things going again!

It was a massive learning curve and I had a blast figuring everything out the first time,and for some reason I thought that doing it again would be a walk in the park. Dear reader, It was not.

It’s been another steep learning curve, but you know what it’s really good for me to push myself out of my comfort zone once again. Having began back in maybe November time I am only just ready today to open up a store once again.

I’m opening this time with a couple of old books themed sets, see this post for more info on those, and going forwards I’m going to try to focus more on what we can do with each new release. For this one I have created a free 16 page booklet of templates and instructions to help folks get the best from their stampy investments and if I can get the lighting sorted, more how-tos and videos.

I do have rather a lot of folks who have reached out over the years regarding past sets that are no longer available so I will look into setting up some sort of ‘WMS Most wanted’ lists, I’d be happy to reprint some sets if I knew there was enough interest.

But back to today, it’s another modest beginning, I have two stamp sets and a few bits and bobs of stickers etc, but now that the new stamp store set up is done, I can get on with creating!

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  1. Suezie

    Claire I am so pleased to have you blogging again and especially creating. One set I never managed to get but borrowed from a friend more than once was the one about putting your eggs in God’s basket (sorry, lost track of the name). I sure could have used it this Easter!

    1. admin

      Och thanks Suezie, yes it was a wee easter set, i must look that out, I can’t recall if it was. a large or small set!

  2. Lenet Mos

    I’m so happy you are back again. I can’t wait to start creating with my new book stamps.

  3. Angelnorth

    Fine Feathers! I let mine go soon after WMS shut (I was in the phase of “needs to be current” as I was submitting to publications and obviously not thinking clearly!) and have regretted it pretty much ever since. I have a permanent search on that well-known auction site but no joy.

    1. admin

      I don’t want to tell you about what got scrapped when I closed up shop… but yep theres a fair few folks have reached out for the feathers set, soon as I figure out how best to run a wish list, I might kick off with those!

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