Mush Love – New Stamps for your gardening friends

Good things do indeed take time. These are the new stamps that I waited for weeks to arrive in sample form. Ironic that this set features this mushroom lady with her pet snail, don’t you think? I have gone for a simple card to start this set off, featuring the main images from the set. The main character is a mushroom lady, a charming forest ‘gardener’ in my imagination – a Forestess. The stamp set is called ‘Mush Love’. It’s an 8 by 4 inch set.
I pictured her in a gardeners apron, looking after all the tiny forest details, and her many little pets. I have a notebook filled with doodles illustrating her story and if folks take a shine to her, she might pop up in a future stamp set also. These Fly Agaric mushrooms grow in a bank of grass outside my house every year and I find them very storybook-esque. I hope you like her!
Primarily designed for folks who like to colour, these new stamps features outline images of my forest lady and her favourite pet. I combined them with some of my favourite sentiments that seemed fitting. Here’s the complete set:

Those three black shapes are grass – here’s a quick demo on how to use them. The one longest blade of grass can be used any way up for variation and the other two pieces can be used together with each other to give a nice bent grass shape. My apologies for the terrible lighting!

I have more samples for you tomorrow and the actual release of sets will take place on Monday 27th with sets shipping beginning 30th. Ta for popping in!

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