Make art easily, with Forest Path stencils

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I was super excited for the last release, I had two super cute stamp sets and some stencils ready to go, I really thought the Mid-Mod-city-stamp team was going to take the win, wow, was I wrong.

Turns out, folks love a stencil. This set of Forest Path Stencils completely stole the show. Serendipitously, these are what I made while I was impatiently waiting for the stamp samples to arrive, if the stamps had been quicker, these would not have happened!

I’m cutting these myself and I was underprepared for how many sets would be needed. It took nearly two weeks of cutting, and a new machine to fill all the orders. I get it though, I’ve kinda been down the stencilling rabbit hole myself since this began, so there’s probably more stencils in the pipeline.

Meantime, I put this tutorial together for folks who have ordered the stencils – I hope it gives you an insight into how I use them, I love creating scenes with this set.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to comment here or on FB, Insta etc, wherever you are in touch with me.

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